Current projects

As a composer and sometimes as a player Frank is involved in a number of different projects. These projects vary considerably in style, approach and method. That is no coincidence, he enjoys doing things that surprise and challenges him. He can often translate the experiences he gains into other situations.


CelloWercken Zutphen

Frank and Jeroen den Herder encountered in 2022. Jeroen is a celebrated cellist who is known as a teacher at two conservatories. With CelloWercken Zutphen he is also establishing his own international education for cellists ‘CelloWercken’ and organizing the Cello Festival in Zutphen.

On May 1 2022 Franks composition ‘The Four Thoughts’ premiered, led by Jeroen den Herder.

Frank is now making a version of the piece for a cello octet, at the request of Jeroen den Herder.

Jazz in schaapskleren

Jazz in Schaapskleren consists of three musicians who all play different instruments.

Niek Hietbrink, Jakko Smit en Frank van Velthoven all play guitar, double bass and at least one wind instrument.

Together they have a great love for subdued and atmospheric Jazz, but they may rock occasionally. Gems from the jazz tradition, but also from pop history are interspersed with their own compositions and poetry.

The Only Defense

This is a hommage to friend and poet/painter Ted Jackson (with whom Frank recorded the album ‘Coloured Tongues’). The last bundle of poetry he published prior to his death in 2019 was given the motto: ‘Love is the only defense against death’.

Drummer Nout Ingen Housz makes a guest appearance.

It’s a Jungle in here

While the expression ‘It’s a jungle out there’ points towards the chaos in the outside world, this composition reflects on the chaos inside. 

Also in this track a great guest appearance of Nout Ingen Housz on drums.

One or two shades of blue

This is a 90 second feature film made by Chris Frieswijk, Chris Dunnink en Joren Leferink in which ‘Jazz in Schaapskleren’ performs during a corona lockdown.

Maslo’s Equipe

‘Maslo’s Equipe’ is the next step in the collaboration of Chris Frieswijk (Maslo) and Frank van Velthoven. This collaboration has already led to some nice results.

Chris and Frank are currently writing new songs together in which both remain true to their own musical backgrounds. They not only make new songs and a new album, but are also forming a live band.

The next step is to release an album with original songs in which love for African music, improvisation, profound Dutch lyrics and a great horn section can be heard in every song. Music that seduces and carries you away, but in the lyrics themes like doubt and uncertainty are addressed. In short, an album on which the zeitgeist is interpreted in an intelligent way.

The first single ‘Wie denk je wel niet dat je bent?’ was recently released.

Maslo’s Equipe bestaat uit

Chris Frieswijk

voc, gitaar, n’goni

Frank van Velthoven

voc, sax, gitaar & contrabas

Niek Hietbrink

trompet, voc

Jakko Smit

trombone, voc

Lukas Brouwer

bas, toetsen, voc

Pim van Gessel

drums, voc


We are surrounded by a network of life, appearing to us in different forms, grossand subtle. This network of life interacts with our existence.It is our level of awareness that determines the depth of the communication.

NOMYRUS finds, identifies and establishes contact with life forms that are easily neglected or pushed away. It is NOMYRUS’ mission to make the hidden information visible by amplifying the sent messages and creating an atmosphere of peace and quiet in which soft and deep sounds can be heard, and hidden images are able to appear.
From an island off the north Norwegian coast, visual artist Myriam Borst collects images, sounds and cosmic inspirations that reflect back on the palette of the Dutch composer and jazz musician Frank van Velthoven.

As a method, NOMYRUS zooms in, instead of out, to get the overall picture clear. In the almost stationary details, the essential movement becomes visible and audible. When zooming in, the boundary between the observed world outside and the inner world of the observer blurs.

Frank van Velthoven logo
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